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  About Plastic  
Isn’t Plastic Fantastic
Plastic is strong, durable, versatile, lightweight, safe and inexpensive. It is made from a by-product of oil refining which would otherwise be wasted, so nobody is importing oil to make plastic products because it is actually made from a by-product of the refining process which will always be produced so long as the world needs this type of fuel, and it makes good economic and environmental sense to use the by-product instead of wasting it and using scarce land and water resources to grow crops to make plastic.

The reality is that plastic products are deeply embedded in our everyday lives and there is no viable substitute on the horizon. As a result plastic products will continue to be an integral part of our lives for the foreseeable future.

However, the problem identified by governments and NGOs around the world is that plastic does last rather too long if it gets into the environment and especially in the ocean causing drastic environmental hazards. This concern for the only problem with everyday non-biodegradable plastics should be over now. While there is a solution, which is d2w ® oxo-biodegradable additive when put into the plastic at the extrusion stage will make the finished product "oxo-biodegradable" so that it will degrade and disappear in a short timescale, leaving no fragments, no methane and no harmful residues.
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d2w® and the droplet logo are trademarks of a range of Symphony Environmental’s ‘CONTROLLED-LIFE’ OR ‘OXO-BIODEGRADABLE' Plastic Products, Now available in Pakistan and is exclusively distributed in the region by Business Dynamics (Pvt) Ltd. d2p® is the trademark of a range of Symphony Environmental’s ‘DESIGNED TO PROTECT’ Plastic Products, Now available in Pakistan and is exclusively distributed in the region by Business Dynamics (Pvt) Ltd.